11th Jan, 2024

How To Assign Class Teacher

A class teacher is a teacher who is responsible for a specific group of students in a school. A class teacher also has to plan and manage the teaching programs to achieve specific student outcomes.

In this option, you can assign class teachers to specific classes.


To assign a class teacher, you have to select your specific Class[1], Section[2], and the Teacher[3] you decided to assign and click on Save Class Teacher[4].


After clicking on Save Class Teacher, You can see the Teacher is now added to the list of assigned class teachers.


How To Edit Assigned Class Teacher

To edit the assigned class teacher click on Select > Edit.


Now, change the Class[1], Shift[2], or Class Teacher[3], and to save your edits, click on Update Class Teacher[4].


After clicking on Update Class Teacher, you will be able to see the updated list.


How To Delete Assigned Class Teacher

To Delete the Assigned class teacher, you can click on Select > Delete.


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